Women Survivors in Business

helping survivors succeed in business

Membership Information

This is just the beginning ladies. Are you ready to transform your world and the world around you. Lets/get together and do this thing! Please contact me to discuss further what the Women Survivors in Business model is all about and how you can get started.

Pamela Elaine Lockridge, Author, Adult survivor of childhood abuse of all sorts from the age of 4-18.

Cell: 318-413-1874

Email: lock14@bellsojuth.net

I want to share with members my innovative ideas—that through due diligence as a member, will bring about a novel way for entrepreneurs who are adult survivors of childhood trauma to begin to enjoy benefits that the Women Survivors in Business can attain just like Facebook, Amazon, Tik Tok, Twitter, and LinkedIn, as a member within this website. How you ask? By utilizing Women Survivors in Business website as a business model which can accomplish what Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc. has accomplished. Find out more as you become a virtual community partner. My question to you—if it has been done by someone else—why can’t it be done by us?

Once you become a virtual member, the workings of this innovative business model will be shared and taught to you. The membership cost is a $100 one-time fee. 

The next cost to you is a one-time website ownership fee (your website business model under the umbrella of Women Survivors in Business is yours as long as you as the owner follow the terms and policies and Code of Ethics of Women Survivors in Business). Please be sure you read and acknowledge all that you are agreeing to when you become a Women Survivor in Business.

Virtual networking is the bedrock of society today. Websites are no exception and are one of  the more powerful ways to connect for business. The following are just some of the membership benefits you will receive by working your online business: 

  1. To have access to individuals who will teach you the about Women Survivors in Business website and how it is a business model and how it all works
  2. To make sure that the people who join are truly the people that will need and appreciate the website
  3. To make sure members are wanting to be introduced to other adult women survivors in business members for the same mission and goals of the group.

Membership benefits make it possible for women survivors in business to flourish through online business education and website business knowledge and:

  1. receive help achieving a website as a provable means to reach survivors 
  2. receive a way to be able to afford your Women Survivors in Business personal website 
  3. receive help from other like-minded women survivors in business who will use group think and brainstorming and personal networking to set and achieve goals—short and long term goals
  4. receive help learning latest technological skills such as website maintenance, Zoom, other virtual technology
  5. receive ways to promote social business realms not yet discovered through member sharing




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